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Sunday 27 September 2015

Continuity Task 1 (BLK)

1) Our group was told, in our brief, to show an accident using just six shots, so we decided to use the resources around us and so created a short film of a girl walking into a lift, where another girl is waiting to move, then that same girl who walked into the lift, walks out by herself, where we can see the other girl, who was waiting for the lift to move, now lying on the floor either dead or in some pain. This was to intentionally make the audience question what happened in the lift and why it happened.

2) We tried to establish narrative flow through a wide shot at the start to introduce the characters of the girl in the lift and the other girl entering the lift, as well as conveying the setting of some of the building, and where the lift was in that space of the building. We also attempted showing the direction of the lift moving down to the bottom floor by filming the display of the lift on the bottom floor when the passengers were moving down. Then we filmed a close up of the girl who entered and exited the lift pressing the emergency button on her way out, so that we could see the exit smoothly whilst being able to realise the events that must have occurred in the lift during that journey down.

3) It is clear that we did not achieve full continuity when shooting these six shots. Fundamentally, this was due to the fact that the transitions didn't show much continuity throughout the multiple shots, as from shot one to shot two, the character entering the lift was further back then where she finished walking in the first shot. Then the shot of the lift display didn't successfully show the lift going down, for we used a close shot of the display that didn't allow the audience to see the context of where the lift was going and where it was, therefore making the audience question the direction of the lift, the height of the display, and whether there was someone watching the display or not. Also the shot of the girl character, who left the lift pressing the emergency button, didn't let us see which girl this actually was pressing the button at the time, and it was difficult to see that she was pressing the emergency button, for there was no noise that was created when she pressed it. At the end of the film when this girl left the lift her position in the last shot was further back again than where she left on the prior shot. However, there were some smooth components to the film, like the pan used to show the girl walking across when leaving the lift and the slick concept of showing her finger pressing the emergency although the position of the shot should have been after the shot of her leaving to give more context in the story we shot.

4) In order for more effective narrative flow in the story, we should have recorded some noises of scuffling when the lift was moving down to show the audience that there was some act of violence that happened in the lift to cause the girl who was waiting in the lift to be on the floor during the last shots of the doors opening. We should have also done a mastershot at the beginning to show where the lift was in the building and where they were going down to, for the audience to understand the positioning of everything including the characters and the lift's display on the ground floor. Also we should have edited the shots where the girl was entering and leaving the lift, so that the camera flowed with her positions when she was moving in and out. Another thing we should have done also was recording the noise of an alarm that would play from after she hit the emergency button in the lift, so that the audience could understand that she was in fact definitely pressing the emergency button.

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