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Tuesday 5 January 2016

R+P Post 8: Our opening sequence idea, to include sound and titles

Our film sequence starts with an opening set of a London skyline with our title '404' on the screen to show the location of the film, which will also be connoted by the non-diagetic sounds of cars and traffic that would be expected of the London setting. Then there is a black title shot with white electronic writing with the sound of someone typing for when the words 'a film 4 production' come on screen in a white text-like font. The electronic-glitch music will then be put on After this there is a shot of the USB the hacker is using to download some code, connoting the cyber-security genre well with another extreme close up of that USB stick to add extra emphasis to the USB's importance in the film. Next there is a montage of the character embedding code into the USB which he then puts into his pocket and deletes the file on his computer. There is then a scene change to the hacker on an empty tube carriage, walking off the tube with a sound effect of a tube on the train tracks, and walking in a London suburban street location. There are then shots of a surveillance worker for a conspiracy organisation watching CCTV of the hacker walking down the streets. After there will be three young men following the hacker from behind with a  footsteps sound effect being used. The hacker will realise he's being followed  with a focus grab from in front of him, where it shows his reaction from in front of the men following him behind. There are then multiple quick action shots of the hacker running away only to find more conspiracy workers following him pushing him underneath a park bridge, where the hacker manages to only punch one, a punching sound effect will be used, before being pushed up with brute force against the wall, where there is a shot of his phone ringing on the floor before there is a blackout with text up saying '24 Hours Earlier'.

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