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Monday 14 March 2016

Evaluation Q7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

I feel that I have greatly improved since the preliminary task and have become much more knowledgeable, skillful and gained greater organisation skills from progressing to this stage of working on our film opening media product.

Stages Preliminary
Film Opening
  • "Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with who she/he then exchanged a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule."
  • "To produce a 2 minute opening for a fiction film. All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright free source. It should be clear from your sequence who the target audience is."
  • There was a greater level of creative freedom we were given for the film opening compared to the brief from the preliminary task, giving us more control over what we were going to create, meaning that we would have to apply what we had learnt during the prelim into making a slick, well thought out media product.
  • We created a small, rough storyboard on a few pieces of A4 paper. 
  • There were multiple shots organised into different colours to represent whether we were using long shots, mid shots or close ups for each shot we planned, which was all organised onto a large sheet of A2 paper.
  • Our shootboard for the film opening also held a lot more information over the actors in the shots, the type of shot, the props and the timings of the shots. 
  • However, we did not need to use the shootboard by the end of production, as our shoot list we created was far more easy and quick to use to accommodate our more flexible, knowledgeable style of filming for the sequence by the end of our main shoot.
  • We also didn't make a script for our film opening, but we did for our prelim, because we weren't going to use much dialogue and we were already aware of the exact shots and character blocking for each shot.
  • There was a great focus on continuity, e.g. the opening and closing of doors. 
  • Due to there being just three actors involved in the preliminary task it was easy for everyone to. 
  • There was much attention to continuity for the precise placement of hands when using a phone or the placement of hands when a character is pushing off a wall during the chase scene.
  • There was a much greater number of actors to explain shots, characters and plots to, so that everyone understood their roles on set. Also we had to keep everyone organised well, as there were more people to organise, but we ended up finding it not too difficult to do so.
Post Production
  • During editing, we only had to place the shots in the correct order and cut them to the right length to keep them flowing continuously throughout in the right order.
  • For the film opening, we had order the shots, add titles, transitions, editing, volumes and colour grading. 
  • The preliminary task gave me great basic knowledge that I needed to easily be able to pick up the slightly more advanced concepts of editing that were needed for the post-production of the film opening.

During the preliminary exercise, I feel despite helping create the idea, the storyboard and the script, my role in editing and working on camera was lower than that on the film opening task, where I had more responsibility on the group, gaining new knowledge on how to edit and film to a greater standard. I was able to give more advice on how to direct the actors and have a better understanding of what shots would and wouldn't work well. The whole idea of teamwork was key to the productivity when editing the film and I feel we did well in organising our time to contribute a lot individually on the post production of the opening sequence.

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