Music Video

Our Music Video:

Group 3 Music Video

Group 3 Front and Back Cover Digipak

The Digipak Front and Back Cover:

Our digipak front and back cover

Our digipak front and back cover

Group 3 Inside Cover Digipak

The Digipak Inside Cover:

Our digipak inside cover

Our digipak inside cover
Our artist's website:

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Monday 5 September 2016

R+P Post 1: My A2 group

My group for this project consists of Olamide Ajisafe (8010) and Jerom Thambipillai (8692). I believe our group works well together, as we have contrasting personalities with different skill sets yet we all have had a similar level of experience filming before. Jerom brings a healthy level of enthusiasm to group sessions and matches this enjoyable energy with an apt knowledge of media skills, such as editing and ability using the camera. Olamide has similar technical skills and is a keen performer, who has experience acting, and a high level of creativity to offer. I have technical and creative skills to offer the group, partnered with a healthy enthusiasm, and an acute knowledge of music.

We have a minimum of three meetings a week that take place at lunchtimes or if we all have a free period together on a certain day. These meetings allow us all to be on the same page over matters, letting the project progress more efficiently, allows new ideas to grow and helps us conceptualise our music video.

As well as these group sessions, our Whatsapp group lets us stay in constant contact with suggestions, ideas and creative inspirations that we all like to communicate and share to each other. This speeds up our project's evolvement and is a useful platform for the necessary communication that a project like this needs to have between group members.

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